I hit 1 year 3 months last week.
Minha Nossa.
Ave Maria!
Im getting old here! we are getting ourselves well prepared for our next conference of Zone. I´ll hit one more before i go home, i think. Today is a trunkie letter day....haha last night we celebrated sister De Oliveira doing 7 months of the mission with lots of sugar; brownie with chocolate covering and strawberries, chocolate icecream and coca cola. we will just say that we took a lot of pictures and had a few giggle fits....it was quite funny us four sprawled out on the floor making faces and taking photos. I have been pretty stressed so it was good to wind down. Its been a tough week, with finding new people but not having people making commitments, i think my immune system has been low because i have gotten sick, lots of pain in the body and head and weakenss. i went to the doctor and she gave me some drugs and i have to go back in today. Im not too worried about it; i think I really just need a good rest. My cist that had a removed a few years back flared up again so, that could be a factor in all this.
Today in the lan house we ran into a man from california, it was weird trying to converse in english! the other sisters will get the joy of visiting him; he already has lived in utah, in Centerville and knows a lot about the history of the church. now its time for the spirit to teach him. HAHAHA
So yeah, to return to the point that this is a trunkie letter, i have less than 15 weeks!!!! probably my fly in day will be the 4th or 5th of june!!!!
I like to tease my companion by saying the following....´´you know I could kiss a young man this year. BUT YOU WONT until 2013!!! you know what? I could go to the beach this year.....BUT YOU WONT until 2013!!!!!!!!´´
ARent i mean? rsrsrsrsrs
but its good to tease your companions, they need it once and a while.
On saturday we had quite the tempest here!! luckily we were still at lunch when it started the down pour. happened to be that i and sister de oliveira had forgotten our umbrellas in the house of another member that we did a family night; if we´d had been in the street, minha nossa what a disaster it would have been!
photo1: nós quatro-smith, heydorn, fernades e de oliveira
photo2: the storm
photo3: ´´please bless this food to nurish and strengthen our bodies....as much as chocolate, sugar, and coca cola can´´
I pray for all of you and hope ya´ll have a great week!
PS--dear family!!! send me photos of the family so i can show them to my companion...for example, cousins who are single. ;) hahaha
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