Yes, that is how i am feeling today!!!
Why? Because its transfer day!!!!!!!!!
President did a LOT of changes for the sisters this transfer, hallelujah. and my companion will be *drumroll*
ssssiiissssstttttteeerrrrrrrr DE OLIVERIA!!!
YEAH. im excited.
We were together last year in Verdão and ever since that amazing month i have wanted to serve with her.
Im staying in Bandeirantes still, but im happy with that. we have some good prospects.
We are working with Sueli, ELECT!!!!!! She is a neighbor of our ward mission leader. We finaly were able
to catch her at home on friday, she has been looking for a church. She accepted everything we taught and in the middle of our lesson, she stopped us. ´´You know what question i have always had? ´´ Yeah what is that? ´´If God is one, why are there so many churches, shouldnt there be just one?´´
Sunday she said it was love at first sight when she walked into the chapel. she said she felt the spirit of God so strong as if he was saying, yes my daughter, this is the path. At the end of testimony meeting she shared her experience in every class and said that she knew this church was true too, and so excited for baptism. She is one special woman. her husband who has already passed away was a preacher in another church. The spirit was very strong in that meeting; our investigator Cema, who was born and raised in the relgion of Spiritism and wasnt interested at all, cried during the first hymn and after the meeting said she was searching for a church and felt good here.
I love the Holy Spirit, he makes everything so much easier.
Im really excited for a new transfer, new goals and everything to start afresh. Im glad for the experiences of this last transfer; it wasnt always easy but i learnt alot.
I hope everyone is well, that Grandma is doing better with the sergury and all.
So i hit my 1 year 2 month mark!! not that im counting or anything, but doing the math, i have 18 weeks left of my mission. Thats less than some elders have months. HAHAHAHAHA
NOT trunky. I love you all, and miss you all, but Im not crying my eyes out to return. I only cry about the work, because i know this time is short and i will have the rest of my life and eternity with my family.
im sending photos of the recent pieces of art i did.
the first photo is of the temple in São Paulo, i did it for Elder Conceição for him to give to a less active couple in Julio Castilho.
Underneath it says something like Not one sucess in life compensates for weakeness in the home.
photo 2: I designed again a t shirt for my zone, this time it turned out superb. guess which couple i am!
Talk to you all next p day!